Developer information

Arjan Vlieger
Woestduinstraat 129-1
1059ST Amsterdam

Privacy point of contact & inquiries

Please send an e-mail to

or phone us on +31 038-7440304 


Tenant: a group of user accounts belonging to the same company. Some settings, for example the operation mode, are tenant wide.

User: a user account within a specific tenant that can login to Workshaker.

Work order: a definition of a task to be performed by the user at a specific location.

Time ticket: the result of executing the task defined by the work order. Contains timing information (task start time, task end time, pause time) also as used materials and quantities.

Location: a combination of user id, latitude, longitude, speed, device battery status and accuracy. 

Operation modes

Normal operation mode: using Workshaker solely to read work orders and send time tickets.

T&T mode: when the tenant enables track and trace functionality (T&T) mode.

Normal operation mode

In normal operation mode, Workshaker does not collect any sensitive personal data from the user. The only data that is collected and sent is related to the time tickets that are being created by the user. 

T&T mode

In track -and trace operation mode, Workshaker behaves exactly like in normal operation mode, but will ask permission to use the user’s location, even when the app is closed or not being actively used.

When the user accepts, the user location will be sent regularly to Workshaker backend services, allowing the administrative employees from the tenant to correlate the location data with the timing provided in the created time tickets. That allows the tenant’s owning company to ensure the registered times are correct and perform correct invoicing to their customers.

Despite the T&T mode setting being tenant wide, the user can decide individually not to share his/her location. If the user rejects the location permission, Workshaker will continue to operate in normal operation mode and will not send any location information to Workshaker’s backend services. Users can at any moment turn off the T&T mode by logging out & logging in again, and not accepting the location permission request. 

Data security

  • We do not share location data with any third party.
  • Location data is always being transferred securily over an HTTPS connection.
  • Location data is stored securily within the EU. 

Data retention

  • Location data is retained forever, unless deletion is requested via an inquiry (see contact information above). Please provide your customer number, the user ID’s of which the location data should be removed and the time span which should be removed. 
  • Upon receiving a request to delete (personal) data, we will verify this request via email with the employer or the responsible organization. The action will then be carried out.

3rd party subprocessors

Although we do not share location data with these parties, Goldenshaker uses the IT infrastructure of the following subprocessors:

  • DigitalOcean, LLC (Avenue of the Americas 10th Floor, New York, NY 10013 United States)
  • Clerk, Inc. (660 King St, Unit 345, San Francisco, CA 94107 US)
  • Stripe, Inc. (354 Oyster Point Boulevard, South San Francisco, California, 94080, USA)